Your boss will never look down your top again, he'll be too busy checking out your perky new shoes. Through Lost At E Minor.
"Is it just me and my disgusting mind, or does this look like, an, *ahem* used feminine-hygiene-product-on-a-ring?"We now know what to collectively get her for her next birthday.
Make him yours, Esmeralda.This poor little handknit squirrel started off as any other cute furry little thing, but somewhere along the way everything went wrong. Named Quasi for the Quasimodo-like hump of his back, he tried to cross the road at the exact wrong time. A animal loving doctor found him and stitched him up. He needs a loving home and someone who can find his beauty inside.
Mr. Corny is a 60s Miller Studios chalkware piece that once served as a notepad holder.Now let him continue his journey in your kitchen as a wall-eyed midnight snack monitor.