Monday, June 29, 2009

Musings from a Spermy Saturday...

It was one of those Saturdays recently, where spermlets just followed us around. As they do.

First, we spotted a set of bangles in Sportsgirl that had distinctively spermly features on the main bracelet.
Set of bracelets AU$16.95 from Sportsgirl.

Then, we were indulging in a very rich hot chocolate in a chocolate cafe and this evil sperm drew itself on our beverage. We would have preferred less wiggliness in the tail, of course, but we're not expert hot chocolate decorators. *excuses*
Milk Hot Chocolate from Lindt Cafe, Cockle Bay Wharf, Sydney. Photo courtesy of Poppy.


Sharon said...

Ahh much sperm love. You could have included the photo from last time too.

Katia said...

I have the shittest memory in the universe, which photo? *wailing* :((( Please edit the post if you have something good.

Sharon said...

The condom.

Katia said...

Oh yes, the artistic lonely prophylactic.