At OOF we take festivities seriously. If we could be bothered to have a Christmas tree, we would. But instead we'll settle for this designer light fitting, which has enough shiny glowing spermlets to delight even the most discerning sperm connoisseurs.
Sperm Light Fitting, $POA from posh designer lamp shop in Paddington, Sydney.

To our eternal delight, one of the gifts we have received includes a witchlet sperm from the legendary maker of
Ballerina Sperm. Love.
Wicked Witch Sperm, no longer available (because it's ours

) from
freezedriedevil at Etsy.
So jealous that you has witchiepoo sperm kitteh.
I can't believe that I have it! It is so cute and evil. ♥
I'll let you borrow it. Maybe.
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